The Spirit Controlled Life Course Overview:
Do you feel God calling you to the Spirit Controlled Life? A life where your carnal nature is in total surrender to the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Where God’s light is truly able to shine through you in your daily life?
This in-depth study will open you up to allow the Holy Spirit into every area of your life. And, along the way, you will discover how to let Him replace your character with His own…
His joy for your depression. His faith for your fear. His love for your anger. His peace for your anxiety and stress.
Lesson 7: Patient Expectancy (Part 1)
In a society of microwaves, spray-on tans and instant gratification we can often expect each of our prayers to be answered RIGHT NOW. We become so focused on instantaneous miracles that we miss what God is really doing – Masterfully using imperfect situations to perfect His children. Discover why God’s Word says that, without patience, you will never accomplish the will of God (Hebrews 10:36).
Bible Study Videos